Eva Bender, watercolor
March 7, June 20 and November 7, 10:00 to 4:00, includes lunch
Participants will explore moving from realistic rendering to abstraction, mysterious images in watercolor, incorporating
drawing and painting, being open to "happy accidents" and "surprises" in the resulting work. Lunch of tea sandwiches
and desserts will be served by Gina Feeser.
and desserts will be served by Gina Feeser.
Registration required - call 717.367.9236 or register online http://www.lyndengallery.com/workshops.html - fee $95 each class
Mitch Lyons, clay monoprints
Saturday, April 18 and October 17, 10:00 to 4:00, includes lunch
Beginner and advanced level students will learn to make monoprints using a wet slab of stoneware clay as the matrix. After rolling out a slab of clay, students will apply colored clay slips to the "leather hard" surface. Wet canvas/paper is placed over the slab,pressure is applied with a rolling pin to remove (print) a thin layer of the colored clay. This class is designed for painters, potters, printmakers and anyone else who wants to work "outside the box".
Registration required - call 717.367.9236 or register online at http://www.lyndengallery.com/workshops.html - fee $100 each class
Ned Wert, painting
Three days - Saturday thru Monday, May 16 thru 18, 10:00 to 4:00 each day, includes lunch
Open to anyone who has worked in a waterbase media before, with emphasis on developing fresh imagery ideas, personal approaches, and finding new directions to follow after the class. No copying of any published material or other art is permitted. Part of each day will be dedicated to informal group critiques. Individual criticism will be offered to each participant throughout the day, as you work at your own pace, not on a "class assignment."
Registration required - call 717.367.9236 or register online at http://www.lyndengallery.com/workshops.html - fee $200 for a three day class
Janet Hammond, drawing and pastels
Two days - Saturday and Sunday, September 26 and 27, 10:00 to 4:00 both days, includes lunch
Open to anyone interested in expanding and developing their drawing skills, particularly in pastel. Easel drawing will allos the individual to step back and really see and understand the gesture in their drawing, and provides for less mess in your lap when working with pastels.
Registration required - call 717.367.9236 or register online at http://www.lyndengallery.com/workshops.html- fee $150 for a two day class
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