This was an outside wall, the back of the gallery an addition added in about 1920. The original fire hall was just the front section built in 1882 and was all brick. At some point prior to the rear of the building being added, it was covered with stucco, which you can see at the bottom of the picture where it's been chipped of the brick.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room, the new wall is up on the frameshop side, painted and just about ready for a door. We'll reconfigure the worktable arrangement over there just a bit, and then we can leave Dave alone and out of the dust.
We found the old front door from the building in the basement, which we had replaced when we purchased the property in 2000. It's in the process of having the hardware removed, the old paint stripped off - the rotted part at the bottom needs to be trimmed. Everyone who sees it is suggesting we keep the old stickers on the glass - not so sure about that.

The door handle and lockset is rather cool and retro, so I'm hoping we can shine up the brass and reinstall it. Much to do... need to establish a timeline and priority list, so we don't get too sidetracked in discovery!

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