Almost finished with the installation of People Watching! which opens this evening at the Lynden Gallery. These final pieces by Willi Kissmer just arrived this week - I had seen his photographs before, but not his paintings. We're excited to add them into the mix.
The Opening Reception is this evening from 6:00 - 9:00 and features the work of Jenn Peachey, new to us from Lewisburg, she was a student of Jim Bright, one of our bronze sculptors. Interestingly, Jim was a student of Ned Wert, one of our painters, so it feels like we're bringing in a new generation.
Jenn's work is so fresh, intuitive and appears to flow onto the canvas with ease and confidence. The works speak volumes without narration, and beg a story to be told. Obviously the artist is not only talented with paint and brush, but is gifted in her ability to pull out the essence of a person.
Florence Starr Taylor (b.1904, d.1991) left many fondly attached patrons and admirers, including Ron Ettelman, who represents her estate. Ron and I collaborated a few years back on an exhibition titled "From the Journals of Fran and Flo" featuring Florence and Fran Williams Wagner, a contemporary. Both avidly sketched the figure throughout their lifetimes, and Fran was still with us for the 2008 exhibition - sadly her last.
Read more about Fran and Flo on our website and see photos from that exhibit. Don't miss the wonderful documentary, "Whatever She Saw" by Mary Haverstick about Florence.
Roger Bacharach's work takes people watching beyond the figure themselves to the environment he finds them in. Colorful and rich in content, each begs its own story.
Below is a shot of the installation in our newly renovated gallery space - love the way the art just hits you the moment you walk in the door! We'll be featuring the music of Vinegar Creek Constituency tonight, collecting $5.00 at the door in support of the band.

Looking forward to a great crowd, fabulous music and mixing with the artists. And don't forget to "eat well and buy more art" - can't control the crazy politics, but you can always buy more art!
See Opening Night pics on Lynden Gallery's website - exhibition continues through April 10.
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