Art Auction? Anyone who knows me is aware of how I feel about Art Auctions in general, and I typically discourage my Artists from participating, preferring instead to support the cause with framing or gift certificates. The HABITAT FOR HUMANITY of the Greater Harrisburg Area Art Auction, however, had several key considerations in place allowing me to encourage Artist participation without hesitation.
- the Auction is juried - over 120 pieces were entered, only about 65 were accepted
- the Artist will receive 25% of the final purchase price of their work
- the Artist can set the minimum bid - in this case 5-10% under retail, so their work's market value is not compromised in any way
- the funds from the Auction will directly support a local housing project
- the Artists will have an opportunity to further donate to the project later this year when we organize a work day or two at the site
- the Gallery has an opportunity to give back to the community in a relevant, thoughtful way
This event is superbly well run, by Habitat for Humanity Director, Eve Wacchaus, a long time, well-connected friend and fellow supporter of the Arts. The Auction has raised over $65,000 since it's conception four years ago, funding the rehabilitation of four Central Allison Hill residences in the city of Harrisburg, now home to families who would otherwise be living in poverty. The Simm's family, last year's recipient of the Auction funds, moved into their newly renovated home in December.
For more information click here! Stop. Look. Listen, Lancaster Online
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