Friday we headed west on the turnpike mid-afternoon for a visit to Ned Wert's house and studio. With his latest exhibition, "Ned Wert well-seasoned" fast approaching, it was time to review the work and get to know one of my favorite people even better. This show will feature not only new work, but work from the last 50 years of Ned's prolific painting career - alongside a dedicated career teaching on the high school and university levels.

Blossom Kent Series, number 1, 41" x 50" oil on canvas, 1970
We spent the next day reviewing new and old work, and choreographing the exhibition for the end of April at Lynden Gallery. With a catalogue in the works, I took every opportunity to learn more about where this gentle man has been, and what has influenced his work over the years. The language of his work hasn't changed, I noted, seeing an older work he completed one summer at Kent State in 1970, under the tutelage of modern masters, Jack Tworkov and Alex Katz. The expressionistic abstraction of his work simply gathering a bold confidence as the decades rolled by. We headed home, our small Saab packed to the brim with new paintings, my journal several pages full of dates, notes and comments, research books on Diebenkorn, Tworkov and Katz , and a prized stack of slide pages, 4" thick - images of work from 1967 to 1993.
Set the date aside - NED WERT well-seasoned, Friday, April 24th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm, at the Lynden Gallery. For more about Ned, click here
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