Wednesday, January 28, 2009

still life in the midst of chaos

Every so often there is a painting that just keeps calling my name, and I think I have to have it.  To keep.  Selfish, huh?  Considering I get to live with art everyday.  But I love this one.  It just oozes with the everyday, and despite it's somewhat chaotic composition (intentional by the artist) I find it compelling and alive.  As the artist states in her own words,"my work is a vehicle to express a world confused, packed with tension and aggression... it often describes a world on the edge of chaos, the most peaceful, pastoral scene being riddled with turmoil."
And we do tend to go thru this life at time oblivious - not really seeing.  This painting reminds me to take the time... for more on this artist see

1 comment:

  1. I am so lucky to count you as a friend. I will visit again and again...

